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matchUp filtering

Every public factory method which returns matchUps supports the matchUpFilters and contextFilters parameters. The underlying filterMatchUps method is also exposed for direct use via the matchUpsGovernor.


const matchUpFilters = {
matchUpFormat: 'SET3-S:6/TB7-F:TB10',
isCollectionMatchUp: false,
excludeMatchUpStatuses: [],
hasParticipantsCount: 2,
hasWinningSide: true,
isMatchUpTie: false,
matchUpStatuses: [],
matchUpFormats: [],
roundPositions: [],
collectionIds: [],
roundNumbers: [],
matchUpIds: [],
roundNames: [],

filterMatchUpTypes = true,
filterMatchUpIds = true,


Only function on matchUps which are inContext.

const contextFilters = {
scheduledDate: '2024-04-01',
processContext: true,
readyToScore: true,
stageSequences: [],
scheduledDates: [],
participantIds: [],
tournamentIds: [],
matchUpTypes: [],
structureIds: [],
courtIds: [],
eventIds: [],
venueIds: [],
drawIds: [],
stages: [],


The matchUpFilters options listed above are direct attributes of filterMatchUps.

import { matchUpsGovernor } from 'tods-competition-factory';
matchUpsGovernor.filterMatchUps({ matchUps, ...matchUpFilters });
matchUpsGovernor.filterMatchUps({ matchUps, ...contextFilters, processContext: true });