Context / Hydration
MatchUps can be returned with contextual information that is not part of the TODS document node from which they originated. The process of adding context is also referred to as "hydration".
Contextual information for matchUps
includes information about the structures, drawDefinitions
and events
within which they are embeded;
are resolved using positionAssignments
to the participants
Additional contextual information can be passed into methods for retrieving matchUps
via the context
and any extensions
can be converted to attributes accessible as attributes beginning with an underscore.
All API calls which return matchUps return deep copies with context.
Attributes that are added for matchUps include: structureId, structureName, drawId, eventId, eventName, tournamentId
and tournamentName
All matchUps
that are returned inContext include converted extensions. See makeDeepCopy in Tools.
In the Live Editor example below, { inContext: false }
overrides the default behavior.
Change the value to true
and compare the matchUp
objects to see the difference when context is added.