Competition Factory functions are organized into governors which are responsible for specific areas of concern.
- competitionGovernor: functions which can operate across multiple tournaments
- eventGoverrnor: functions which mutate events, drawDefinitions, structures and matchUps
- generationGovernor: functions which generate e.g. drawDefinitions, playoff structures, mock tournamentRecords
- matchUpFormatGoverrnor: parse and stringify methods for matchUpFormats
- mocksGovernor: functions to generate data for testing
- participantGovernor: functions to add, modify, delete tournament participants
- policyGovernor: functions to attach and remove policies
- publishingGovernor: functions to manage publish state of tournaments, events, draws, structures, seeding
- queryGovernor: functions to query all aspects of tournament records
- reportGovernor: reporting functions
- scheduleGovernor: functions related to scheduling
- scoreGovernor: functions to validate, manipulate, analyze matchUp scores
- tournamentGovernor: functions which operate on tournament properties
- utilitiesGovernor: utility functions
- venueGovernor: functions to add and modify venues and courts
Importing Governors
import { governors } from 'tods-competition-factory';
See Custom Engines for an example of importing governors into engines.