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Engine Logging

Competition Factory engines provide facilities for logging function performance, parameters, and results. Logging can be configured and enabled in globalState directly or by calling engine.devContext(params).

Custom Logging

By default factory engines will log to the console. It is possible to define a custom logging function:

import { globalState: { setGlobalLog } } from 'tods-competition-factory'

function customLoggingFunction({ log }) {
console.log('log:', log)


Logging Configuration

import { globalState: { setDevContext } } from 'tods-competition-factory'
setDevContext({ perf: true, params: true, results: true, errors: true });

// - or -
askEngine.devContext({ perf: true, params: true, results: true, errors: true });

Logged Details

The values passed into devContext for the following attributes can be either boolean or an array of function names.

  • errors: log method errors (e.g. invalid parameters)
  • results: log results returned by function(s)
  • params: log values passed into function(s)
askEngine.devContext({ errors: true }); // log all errors reported by all methods
askEngine.devContext({ params: true }); // log param values for all functions
askEngine.devContext({ results: true }); // log results for all functions

askEngine.devContext({ params: ['getParticipants'], results: true }); // log paramaters and results only four the `getParticipants` function

For perf the value can be either boolean or a milliseconds threshold.

  • perf: log function execution time
askEngine.devContext({ perf: 200 }); // log function execution times greater than 200ms