Time Items
timeItems can exist on any document element in TODS and are used to capture attributes which may change over time and where it is desierable to keep track of such changes.
For instance, a matchUp may be assigned to one court and scheduled, and then be interrupted and re-scheduled to start later on another court. matchUp duration can be calculated from all timeItems which relate to the starting and stopping of play.
Object properties
const timeItem = {
itemSubTypes; [], // optional
itemValue: 13.20,
itemDate: '2020-01-01T00:00',
createdAt: '2020-01-03T06:21'
itemType and itemSubTypes
itemType is a string, while itemSubTypes is an array of strings. In Competition Factory itemType uses dot notation to represent a hierarchical structure. This is useful for matching fragments of a type in some internal functions.
Example itemTypes
itemType: 'SCHEDULE.ALLOCATION.COURTS', // team events
itemType: 'SCHEDULE.COURT.ORDER', // pro-scheduling ORDER OF PLAY
itemType: 'SCHEDULE.DATE',
Internal usage
In most cases timeItems are used internally by the various Competition Factory engines.
timeItems are used to track participant registration, sign-in and payment status as well as penalties and rankings and ratings values for different event categories. They are also used to capture manual seedings for events.
timeItems are used to capture scheduling attributes including start, stop, resume, end as well as assignment of court, referee & etc. Schedule related attributes are extracted from timeItems when a matchUp is retrieved with "context" and added to the matchUp.schedule object.
Other use cases
Ranking and Ratings
Sometimes a tournament organizer may want to fetch player Rankings and Ratings from a remote service. In such scenarios it is desireable to both capture a time stamp for when the last retrieval occurred and be able to query an event's timeItems to be able to display the value.
Adding a timeITem to an event
const timeItem = {
itemValue: '2021-01-01T00:00',
engine.addTimeItem({ eventId, timeItem });
Retrieving a timeITem from an event
const { timeItem: retrievedTimeItem, message } = engine.getTimeItem({