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Automated Scheduling

Automated Scheduling

Once the schedulingProfile, matchUpFormatTiming and dailyLimits have been defined, automated assignment of scheduleTimes to matchUps is straightforward.

scheduleDates, // optional array of dates to be scheduled


The highest level auto-scheduling method is engine.scheduleProfileRounds.

  1. Validate and filter schedulingProfile dates by specified scheduleDates
  2. Construct matchUpDependencies to ensure matchUps are scheduled before their dependents
  3. Get an array of inContext matchUps for all relevant tournamentRecords
  4. Retrieve matchUpDailyLimits and personRequests
  5. Sort scheduleDates and for each iterate through all venues
  6. Construct hash tables of matchUpNotBeforeTimes and matchUpPotentialParticipantIds
  7. Ensure rounds specified for scheduleDate are sorted as specified
  8. Generate ordered array of matchUpIds derived from specified rounds
  9. Build up a mapping of matchUpIds to recoveryMinutes so that matchUps with equivalent averageMatchUpMinutes can be block scheduled while still considering varying recoveryMinutes
  10. Group ordered matchUpIds by averageMatchUpMinutes|periodLength
  11. Loop through groups of matchUpIds ...
  12. Calculate available scheduleTimes, considering court availability, already scheduled matchUps, and remainingScheduleTimes from previous iteration
  13. Construct per-participant hash tables of matchUps played and timeAfterRecovery
  14. Filter out matchUps which are not appropriate for scheduling
  15. Filter out matchUps which include participants who have reached daily limits
  16. Loop through available scheduleTimes and build up mapping of matchUpIds to scheduleTimes
    • Defer scheduling of matchUps where timeAfterRecovery has not been reached
    • Defer scheduling of matchUps where personRequests include { requestType: DO_NOT_SCHEDULE } conflicts
  17. Group matchUpIds by eventId|drawId|structureId and assign scheduleTimes to matchUps
  18. Return array of remainingScheduleTimes from current iteration to seed next iteration of virtualCourtBookings